Odilisa Gutierrez Mendoza
& Asociados

Managing Director
Diploma in Negotiation at IPADE Business School, Mexico City.
Advanced Management Program at IPADE Business School, Mexico City.
Doctor in Law from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid. Cum Laude.
Doctorate Honoris Causa from the Universidad de España y México.
Master in Public Law from the Universidad Panamericana.
Lawyer graduated from the Universidad de Guadalajara.
Specialty in Civil and Commercial Procedural Law from the Universidad Panamericana.
Specialty in Constitutional Law from the Universidad Panamericana.

Experience in Agrarian Sector
Lawyer specialized in Agrarian Law and Chief Executive Officer of the firm Odilisa Gutiérrez Mendoza & Asociados, 2020.
Presiding Magistrate of the Superior Agrarian Court, based in Mexico City. 2014 and 2017-2019
Numerary Magistrate of the Superior Agrarian Court. 2014-2019.
Magistrate of the Unitary Agrarian Courts, attached to the Superior Agrarian Court, based in Mexico City. 2013-2014.
Magistrate of Unitary Agrarian Courts 2008 - 2013
General Coordinator of Liaison with Agrarian Representations in the States. 2007.
Coordinator of Advisors to the Secretary of Agrarian Reform. 2006.
Federal Delegate of the National Agrarian Registry in the state of Colima. 2003-2006.

Considered by the magazine Foro Jurídico, Issue No. 186, March 2019, as a member of the forum ¨Most influential lawyers in Mexico¨.
Recognition as an excellent judge by the association ¨Carlos R. Moreno, Judicial Excellence Award¨ of the Mexican American Bar Association (MABA), in the City of Los Angeles, California, October, 2015.
First place at the National level as Delegate of the National Agrarian Registry, 2005.
Author of the book "El juicio político y la declaración de procedencia en el derecho mexicano" editorial MAPorrúa. 2017.
Publication in the Dialnet magazine, in Madrid, Spain, on issues of administrative responsibility. 2015.
Collaborator of the book "El centenario de la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos", published by Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2017.
Collaborator of the book "Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, edición comentada", coordinated by the Rector of the University of Guanajuato, Dr. Luis Felipe Guerrero Agripino, 2017.